
Luther’s Works, Volume 46 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume contains eight significant works written between the Peasants War of 1525 and the Diet of Augsburg in 1530.

confidence that he is doing and must do his duty to be certain that he is serving God and can say, “It is not I that smite, stab, and slay, but God and my prince, for my hand and my body are now their servants.” That is the meaning of the watchwords and battle cries, “Emperor!” “France!” “Luüneburg!” “Braunschweig!” This is how the Jews cried against the Midianites, “The sword of God and Gideon!” Judges 7[:20]. Such a greedy man spoils all other good works, too. For example, a man who preaches for
Volume 46, Page 130